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Friday, 31 May 2013

Could we Please have a little Honesty here?

I shall start by saying I have been away.  And then came back.  And then was busy.  But I arrive here finally.  And my first fresh from the oven post is about Honesty.  Or the lack.  Once more I issue the cry of 'I am trying to work with you guys!  Give me a break!'   And that's the polite version.  Perhaps a little list would start to clarify some of the mild irritation that I can feel at times.....

Things they say and what they mean

Say – It will be with you Tuesday
Means – Call us on Wednesday when it hasn’t shown up

Say – It will be delivered first thing in the morning so you can pack it away whilst still cold
Means – It will be left in a sunny place at 3pm when you’ve given up and gone out

Say – In stock
Means – Never in stock

Say – I’ll call you back once I’ve found out
Means – I have no intention of ever calling you back as I don’t know the answer and hope that you get someone else on the phone next time you call

Say – Ah, yes, we’re just packing your order now
Means – Who the hell are you?

Say – I am sorry the delivery is late; we’ve been experiencing problems with the courier company
Means – Delivery?  What delivery?

Say – We apologise your order hasn’t turned up we’ll send out a replacement order
Means – You’ll never get anything from us.  Ever

Say – All products will be sent with a reasonable use by date
Means – All products will arrive on the day they expire

Get the drift?  I am trying to stay clear of supermarkets, and this is not easy when busy and broke let me tell you.  But delivery nightmares are becoming a serious obstacle.  If its not the cost its the lost parcels, the melting parcels, the crushed parcels, the three weeks late parcels and so on.  Small businesses need to really get a grip if they want to challenge our shopping habits.  And why is it always someone else's fault?  The undelivered parcel has been the fault of many a courier, the postman, the packer, the 'warehouse', the 'lads' but never 'its my fault, sorry'.  

We sigh.

On a plus note I did get to do some most excellent organic, small farm, small producer, local and home style shopping whilst on holidays.  Much fun.  Best shopping experience has to be visiting the Wholefoods Supermarket in  Cheltenham, oh the bliss of walking round shelf after shelf of good organic products, the bakery, the deli, the soup tureens, oats from tubs, raisins from tubs, cheese to taste, fresh sustained fish... we spent a fortune!  Best eating experience?  The oddly named Black Shed in Slimbridge, a cafe and a half, great food, great canal side views, great people.  

And a confession - I recently had to go to Sains...... I was running low on food and money and time, what can I say.  Whilst there I indulged in some of the vegetarian premade foods.  And very nice it all was too!